With the Olympic Games in Paris well underway, one of my favorite parts is watching the little background stories on various athletes, their early years, their struggles, their setbacks, their journey to the biggest stage of all. As diverse and varied as their stories are, there is always one constant: the support that surrounds them. Sometimes it is a spouse, or girlfriend, boyfriend, coach or grandmother. Other times there is a whole extended family, a community. But always there is somebody who believed in them, often more than they believed in themselves. And perhaps, in hindsight, that is what made all the difference.
And so it is with our philosophy at REACH! We have no doubt that every child that passes through our preschools over the years, born and raised in a mud hut, walking many dusty kilometers to school every day, often hungry, some without parents, raised by a sibling or relative, has the potential to achieve great things, to live a full and prosperous life, to contribute in some way to the greater good, to add value to their community, their country,
to make tomorrow better than yesterday… only they don’t know that it’s possible, or how. All it takes is that someone to believe in them, to show up and say it’s possible, you are possible, and maybe that’s what makes all the difference.
News from ITEC is that the government subsidies for the teachers have been processed and approved and should come into effect next month. To those of you who committed to a monthly contribution for the teachers, we, on behalf of all the teachers, the children, the families, the community, and particularly on behalf of the chief who called specifically, THANK YOU! It may seem like a modest sum, but it has meant the world to them.
The maintenance work on the schools has been delayed again due to an extended contract that the contractor is obligated to fulfill. He is preparing to start within the next few weeks and we will keep you updated. The harsh sun and salt air have resulted in quite a lot of rust and leaking particularly around the windows, and we anticipate more work than originally expected. Please, if you or somebody you know would like to help by contributing financially, please visit the web page at www.reachforsa.org and go to the donate page. Every contribution helps, and every dollar goes directly to the construction, supplies, maintenance of the schools. Please help spread the word, and thank you in advance.
The 7th container is bought and paid for, and funds wired for the conversion. The volunteer group for this (Jan 2025) trip is confirmed, the site is being prepared, the teacher and children are excited, and we can’t wait to share it all with you. Negotiations are underway with a neighboring community to start providing schools for them too! We will keep you updated.
Child and teacher assessments are due out next month, and we will forward as soon as they come in.
To each and every one of you, thank you for your ongoing support. Shelley and I, on behalf of the Amajingqi community thank you. It takes a village.