REACH! for SA is a registered 501 (c) 3 non-profit relying entirely on funds raised or donated.
We offer the opportunity for a maximum of 12 volunteers, yearly (2 Jan -12th Jan), to join our team for this transforming service project. REACH! will provide you with a hands-on experience helping to improve the lives of rural South African children in the Eastern Cape. Volunteers will meet the local community and their tribal leaders, and be exposed to Xhosa culture, food and traditions.
Volunteer work involves but is not limited to: basic carpentry, painting, packing, organizing supplies and toys, playing with young children.
100 % of REACH funds are allocated to the preparation and delivery of a new preschool in the rural Eastern Cape, one of South Africa’s most under-served communities. REACH provides school supplies, play structure, toilets, water catchment system, teacher training, and sometimes, teacher stipends when government funds are not forthcoming.
We invite you to join our team! However, in order to fulfill our mission and maximize resources to the children, teachers, and schools, REACH! requires volunteers to cover the following costs:
Flights to and from East London, South Africa
$750 (refundable before October 31) Non-refundable November 1st onwards.
° All transport
° All meals-breakfast, lunch, dinner
° Accommodation
Your REACH! experience begins in Gonubie: (Day 1-6)
Water is drinkable. No immunizations required
Your REACH! experience continues with container delivery that will include the following: (Day 7)
Your REACH! experience following container delivery will include the following: (Day 8-9)
Kob Inn: (2 nights)
Your final REACH! experience back to East London will include the following: (Day 10)
Are you interested? Consider these things:
Are you generous of spirit, open minded and curious? Are you eager to offer your time and skills to help those less fortunate? Do you have good people skills, do you like children, are you easy to get along with, are you interested in learning about a new culture and language, do you like travelling, do you like hard work and hot sun? If this sounds like you…
How to sign up:
Last bits you are responsible for:
Once the group is finalized, there will be a series of meetings to answer any questions, coordinate logistics, give you any additional information. The next time we meet will be at King Phalo airport in East London!